I want to be a writer

I love to write, I just need to come up with a plan to put pen to paper. Or fingers to keys.

Whew! The momentum is still going, but lord above I am writing like a mad woman! I am working 2 blogs and two stories. One for NaNo and one we'll see. This is the most I ever wrote in 4 days! I am over 14k words but I can't count the second story, mores the pity, because I already wrote it. I just added to it today.

I won't lie I am a bit overwhelmed! Between my 8 hour days M-F and the hour drive home, I am spending from 6pm until 11pm writing or playing on twitter! To say I am going bonkers is putting it mildly. But I am writing which is what I've always wanted to do.

I ended the day of writing at 5221 words. Man and did I work for those words! I stopped in order to be on my own personal goal, and ended up going a little over. Yay me! So far I am liking my main character. Her name is Alyx, and she is strong female. She is also mouthy and curses when she painted into a corner or when she knows she is wrong. Changing the p.o.v. to first person also helped a lot. This is the story I plotted out 4 years ago but kept stalling. I ended up with 12k words over a period of 4 years, and that should have told me it was dead before I could go any further.

But having Alyx tell the story in her voice, well it is something that I hope to clean up after NaNo and actually see about publishing it. But we'll see.

Ok I started writing at 12:01 am and wrote about 824 words before I fell asleep. Here is the thing. I was so excited about the big start that I drank a couple of beers, which in hindsight was a dumb move, lol, but I was looking for relaxation and I got that in spades! But I woke up this morning refreshed and wrote the rest as it is still Nov. 1 so I am not quite cheating myself. I ended up with 1852 words, so a little over my goal. Yay me!

Now here is the thing. I just found out that per the NaNoWriMo rules that I am supposed to write a brand new story not one I had been working on. Well I originally had 12k words of the story, so in order to be fair I basically started over from scratch. As it is fully plotted, I did not want to throw out the story.

And in doing so I learned that the story that has stalled many times, is actually working out better this time around. I am actually telling the story from my main character's p.o.v. and damn if it ain't working out way better. The voice of Alyx is smart alecky, tough chick, with a slice if bad ass thrown in all together. So we'll see where this story takes Alyx.

There are only a couple of hours until I become one of the many participants in trying to craft 50k words in 30 days! I am excited! I will be updating this blog on my ups and downs of trying to fit 50k words in 30 days!

I know I’ve been silent on this blog. But No worries I write at least once a day on my main blog http://zestynachos.blogspot.com/ and while I am off and on with my actual erotic writing, I am writing. I felt I needed to get my practice on because I seriously want to do NaNoWriMo right!

I have a story I am thinking of using for the WriMo, but I have been playing around with this story for the past 4 years. It is fully plotted. It is a trilogy. It is about vampires. What is giving me trouble is if it is a young adult novel or an adult one. So I might do it as both.

Meaning it will have the adventure I crave in a young adult novel like Harry Potter or the Mortal Instrument, but because I love to write about sex it will have to be adult in nature.

I guess what it comes down to is that I won’t know for sure until I start writing. It may not even call for sex once I start actually writing about it. So far there is none. This is why the story is on the shelf, even though I think about it some from time to time. It wants to be written. Maybe I’ll join in and jump the young adult book bandwagon.

I honestly believe my story is like nothing out there, and I read a lot! So it is something that needs to be written regardless. So I hope you will join my progress with the WriMo as I will need all the virtual support I can take! Click this link to go to my page http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/503144

Yeah I am still writing, just haven't been writing on my current project. I started back again today. I really must make time, cuz all it is doing is hurting myself and pushing me further behind. There are no excuses as I've been writing. It is not even writer's block as the story has been plotted. It really is up to me to actually write. I need to look at it as a job, cuz essentially I want to get paid.

As of now, my erotic writing blog site is helping me to craft short snippets of erotic writing. It is not hard, but it takes skill to write exceptional sex scenes and I feel I need all the practice I can get. You should check me out, that is if your over 18. Just click on my profile and Erotic Interlude. I have several posts there.

So far today I've written two pages of my Yaoi story. That is one I feel is coming along nicely, though the Steampunk story is fun. So instead of writing both stories at once I will write each one sepratly and see how that works. Thanks for stopping by!

Very excited! I just started my Yaoi story and like the steampunk story just writing the first draft of the story before I revise. I have a title, which took me quite awhile to come up with But let's just say that it fits perfectly with the story.

I currently write erotic short short fiction on my other blog erotic interlude, which is basically practice. Since I want to be an erotic writer, a good way to do that is to make sure I understand how to write sex.

The site is coming along quite nicely, though some of it is ok, while other entries are sizzling hot.

This Yaoi story I'm writing, I wrote an 8 page synopsis that I wrote a week ago then I left it alone. Now reading it again I am excited to read it as a reader!! But as a writer I am a bit scared, but I've already started the first chapter and it is going to be some damn good erotica.

I am happy to say that I wrote almost 3k words today. Basically a prologue and chapter 1. It is not my best writing, but I am trying to completely write the story then set it aside and then go back and revise and edit. It is weird. As I was writing I could see my three main characters and while I would not call it a true 19th century piece all of the countless books I've read set in the time period is definitely showing in how the characters dialogue is coming along.

As a matter of fact, I am really liking Lyric the main female lead. The way she is coming along she would be consider a bluestocking, basically a female who is bookish, an intellectual, talks like a man and/or a spinster. I think so because already this girl is a standout and is fierce. If your familiar with Amanda Quick's female leads, this is how mine is coming together.

I am also excited about the Steampunk references that are popping up. I thought this would have been the hardest part, but it seems to be working itself out. And as I am making it slightly futuristic this is allowing me to be super creative at least in my eyes.

Anyway thanks for reading my journey. I am hoping to complete this short story before Nov. 1.

I have finally, after debating with myself for the past five years, decided to participate in the nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) this year. I’ve already signed up and now have the badge to prove I am participating.

This cool little thing for writers is basically a challenge to write 50k words in 30 days. From November 1 to November 30. It is roughly 6.67 pages or 1667.5 words a day to get to 50k on day 30. This is my biggest undertaking and I still have 3 smaller projects that have to be done by 12/01/09.

So I have the rest of this month to get the writing done and all of October to revise. So I may not get all three stories out, but I still want to get two done. These are challenges that I relish.

I might even use the nanowrimo to write out my novel I’ve been playing with for 3 years. This would be the perfect opportunity.

Writing is something I absolutely love, but sometimes my real job interferes with my joy. As of now writing is a hobby, though I do get paid for my one writing gig, book reviews. That is fun too, though the reading can tend to be a little tedious, especially as a lot of books I receive are e-books, so I have to read when I'm home as I have no eBook reader.

So my strategy is to read a couple of books at a time on the weekends, then review during the week. This makes it easier to get my writing in. So far I've several projects going on and I like how I am giving myself time to write on each one.

One project I write is a 250 word fiction story once a week. This one is easy. So far I've a 7 part story, that is ongoing, as I don't know where it is going. It is more and exercise in sex writing as I want to write erotica.

The others are the rough drafts I written for my steampunk story, my yoai, and the Alice in wonderland story. My goal now is to write two pages a day without much clean-up. I want to do one story at a time until done then put the finished story away and then start on the next one until I have the three under my belt.

After that I will go over each one and revise then write until done. And if needed revise again. Quite excited how this is turning out.

Ok while I've not been on here I have been writing, so I am excited. For the two stories of the three I am working on I've plotted out a story outline which I am proud to say is cool.

For the Yaoi story the names so far:

Renefrin aka Ren
Captain Vanal
Their home planet is called Shethara

So this one is sci-fi/erotica which I am happy to say is coming out splendid! Still need last names for the characters, something that just goes with this universe I am creating.

For the steampunk story, this one gave me a bit a trouble. I've read so many 19th century erotic/romance books until I can close my eyes and see the landscape, but I wanted something different for my story. So I've come up some names that are a mix of today with a dash of the futuristic and with a dash 19th century flair:

Lyric Elizabeth Abbott
Detective Cale Remington

I am still working on more names, but I am having fun looking. Ta-Ta for now.

Ever since I took a cultural anthropology class, I’ve been on a kick when it comes to finding out why something is.

In that class it was learning about mitochondrial DNA and genetic markers in certain species and why things were. I even wrote a paper on genetics, because it simply fascinates me. I took this class 2003 or 2004.

Well what has that to do with my writing? Well when I am plotting or coming up with story ideas, especially since I like to incorporate fantasy/science-fiction into my writing, I have to know why something is for me to be able to get to the next step. I also look for this in reading other people’s work.

A good example is vampires. So many stories out there from the traditional to the ones that are so good, it is ok to overlook certain factors. In the story I’ve been working on for the past 3 years, I wanted to create something totally different. I needed a people who were vampire like, but with different rules for why.

I created a complex history for them (I did say I’d been working on it for 3 years!!) that explained their origin. That part was fun and hard, as I kept asking myself how and why. For me, I need to know how vampires were created, not just some amorphous reason as to they are.

So after that I then went on about their complex society, language, and their culture in general. It has characters, names and situations. I really had fun with this idea. The problem? Well the story is shelved. It is an epic story that so far is three books. The first book has a title, a plot with a beginning, middle, and an end. But the truth is I became scared of the huge undertaking of this project.

I didn’t know if it was a young adult novel, or an erotic one. I have tried both, but it still feels like it could go either way. The world I created is as a big a character as the characters I created. And I kept on adding and changing things, basically brainstorming on my own. This didn’t help as I already plotted the story completely.

So why was I writing this post? I had to go back to the beginning of the post, lol, and this is why the story that I was working on for the past three years and counting is shelved for now. Because I would start on one thing and then it kept growing and growing. This is why I am now focusing on the smaller writings/projects. I will eventually tackle my vampire story. It is exciting and needs to be written. Especially as I created this cool reason as to why they are vamps in the first place!

The question is: do I tell it as a young adult or adult?

So ever since I saw the submission for the Yaoi submisson for Phaze I've been plotting out the story. So far I am in middle and the good thing is I am just writing an outline to the story, so not my best writing effort, but the story is coming togetether and it is hot. I do like to read about boys getting it on. =D

Now the other submission for steampunk has had me searching all kinds of things like gadgets, clothing and such and I realized that what I needed was an actual theme as I am having trouble with this one. So I found this cool web page here that has several different themes that compose the genre. I tell you this, it has helped reigned in my thoughts so to speak, so now I have a clearer definition on what to write.

Ok so far I've got three submissions that I am really excited to try out and I am hoping that with all I've learned over the years (I got many a book and web pages printed!) I can get the stories out and keep my fingers crossed.

I do like Phaze books, as their authors seem to love them something fierce, and this I got from reviewing the site as well. So I am excited to try for this second submission which is Steampunk. I have read a few erotic works in this genre and I am excited to try this. I cut my teeth so to speak on historical novels set during this time, and watching The Time Machine and The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen. SO I think I can do it. Goggles and steam power!

Special Call for M/M Steampunk Anthology - title TBA

Edited by: Leigh Ellwood
Projected release date: late 2010

Hey, all you steampunk enthusiasts, grab your goggles and get to writing! Phaze Books is planning an all M/M (and bi-M menage) steampunk collection for eBook publication in 2010. If you have a yen for 19th century history with a touch of good humor and technological innovation (and a whole lot of manlove!), we hope you'll send us your hottest steampunk erotic romance of 10K - 20K words. If you're not sure about the genre, check out this Wikipedia entry for steampunk to get an idea of the style of stories we're looking for. Think H.G. Wells or Wild Wild West, then turn up the steam factor with an incredible M/M or MMF/MMM match-up!

This call is open indefinitely until the spots are filled. Contributors will offer one-time electronic and print rights to their works and receive a one-time payment of $50 and contributors' copies (eBook and/or print, if the book goes to print).

To submit to this anthology, please follow the Phaze Books structural guidelines (below) and attach your RTF document to Leigh Ellwood, c/o Phaze Books at submissions @ phaze (dot) com. Please use STEAMPUNK ANTHOLOGY is your subject header.

I've been writing on my blog Zesty Nachos, but also my Erotic Interlude one as well. Writing with other things going on is hard. I have a 40 hour a week job that I have to be pleasant on every single call I take. And I am, but in between calls my mind is working on so many stories. I want to write full time, but there is no way until I can show people my talent. I also write my book reviews. The nice thing is that I am still keeping to my 500 words every day, so I am happy about that. Also found another book submission from Phaze books. This one is Yaoi, and while I do enjoy reading it, I have never written it, so I am up to the challenge.

Here is the info:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Call for Submissions: Yaoi Anthology

Lemon Kisses, A Yaoi Anthology
Edited by: Augusta Li
Publisher: Phaze Books
Deadline: December 1, 2009
Projected release date: July 2010
Format: eBook (initially, with possible print release)

You must be at least 18 years old to submit to this anthology.

I am looking for four well-written yaoi stories for this anthology. Before submitting, please be familiar with the yaoi genre. It’s not quite the same as m/m romance or gay erotica. If you’re not sure what qualifies as yaoi, please do a little research. Stories should be between 15 and 25K, and can be in any sub-genre (fantasy, contemporary, historical, etc.). Above all, I’m seeking unique works with solid plotting, good characterization, and a good balance between hot, erotic scenes and story. Explicit sex is encouraged.

Please be advised that I’m likely to reject cliché yaoi plots, such as Japanese school-boy romance, unless you have a really fresh take on it. Nor am I a fan of gay-just-for-you, again, unless it’s stellar. No anthropomorphic characters, please. Kemonomimi is acceptable if well-done. All characters involved in sexual situations must be at least 18, so sorry, no shota. Anything not normally allowed (rape, snuff, bestiality, necrophilia, bodily waste or pedophilia) isn’t allowed here either. I’ll consider forced seduction, but be very careful.

To submit, please attach your manuscript as an .rtf or .doc and send it, with the words YAOI ANTHOLOGY SUBMISSION in the subject line, to augustali3@hotmail.com. Please follow the Phaze Books formatting instructions located at http://www.phaze.com/submissions2.html. Include a brief introduction, including your contact information and publishing history, if any.

If you have any questions, email me at the above address.

So I am writing this diary of sorts, which is supposed to be everyday. I can tell you that this past weekend was not a very good effort, and this is the stuff I need to work on if I am going to be a writer.

I went out on Friday night to a Passion Party, got drunk, then went karoake. I stayed the night at my friends who was driving and the next morning I woke up with the most horrendous hangover. Let's say no writing done. Though I did read for the reviews I do on the side.

Bottom line I need to just get over this hump and be serious. Writing is a business, if I did this at my real job, not go to work, I'd be fired. I will take it one day at a time. Writing my 500 words a day of the current story I am working on.

Writing is a solitary venture. That is one aspect I've not realized even when I was in high school so many years ago. I've wanted to be a writer since then and while I've attempted and stopped it is just now that I am realizing this.

Don't get me wrong it is not a bad thing, but I am such a people person that it would be great to bounce ideas off of another person. I guess what I need is a writing partner. But how would I go about getting one who won't rip off my ideas and/or who has the same or similar writing style?

I guess that scares me, that I'd look for one and they'd run of with a story idea I threw out and made it better than me. So I write alone. At least for now.

Ok I didn't do quite 500 for the story, but about 400. Even though I didn't do my goal, I am writing more than this story including book reviews so I am writing quite a few words more a day. Plus my blogging. Writing everyday has made me a better a writer. I've done some short writing exercises every week for the past month and the writing is coming out quite good.

I usually have problem with tenses, and these exercises are definitely helping! Though I am still having trouble with passive and active. That is still a work in progress but I will persevere!

Yeah another 500 words! Am very excited about the story. Revisions for sure are needed, but that is ok as I am actually doing what I said would which is set a goal and write!

Ok I've accomplished my 500 words today and I am excited, but to be quite honest I started at 11pm. I had a long day of other writing and of course my other favorite time waster tweeking my blogs.

I was very, very busy, yet I was able to squeeze the amount of words I said I would. Can I tell you the story is practically writing itself, and it will need heavy revisions and I am ok with that. Having a first draft done, so I can do revisions will be a sense of accomplishment for me! Woo Hoo for goals!

I am excited! I did it like I said I would! But it almost didn't happen! I started getting on the computer and started playing around. But that what always seems to happen. I get excited for a project or new story, and then something happens in real life and then I don't want to write anymore. That almost happened today. But I persevered and kept the writing going.

BTW, not my best writing, but I am also not trying to focus on revisions but to get the words I'd say I'd do.


I saw this submission for an anthology of Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass erotic stories for circlet press. I was instantly intrigued. Not by the fee that they will pay but for the idea it inspired in me.

I am quite excited to try, though my word count will need to go up as they are looking for 3000 to 7000 words.

I've already wrote a plot from beginning to end. Now I just have to make sure it pops.


I found this interesting challenge and I thought this would be perfect! I don't have a story in mind yet but I need to step up my writing game. I have three writing challenges that I write for every week, but I am now trying to challenge myself to write one story of my own choosing. I am starting off easy, giving myself a limit of up to 2500 words. In the grand scheme it is not a lot but for me it will be a challenge to create a story about two people in an environment that can be told in 2500 words. So a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Am I ready? Yes I am. Stay tuned while I try to write the story, before revisions. That is the goal.

NaNoWriMo Word Count Meter

Story in progress

Through the Looking Glass Story-free writing/outline Yaoi story-Writing without revisions-1st draft Steampunk story-writing without revisions-1st draft MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected 500words-150w

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50,000 Words or Bust in November!

About this blog

A place to catalog my adventures in writing. I currently have other blogs that each show a facet of who I am. One is about everything I see, the other is all about erotica, and the other is all about my dark poetry. I never set out to create another blog, but I find the need to have one that is all about the journey.
