I want to be a writer

I love to write, I just need to come up with a plan to put pen to paper. Or fingers to keys.

I know I’ve been silent on this blog. But No worries I write at least once a day on my main blog http://zestynachos.blogspot.com/ and while I am off and on with my actual erotic writing, I am writing. I felt I needed to get my practice on because I seriously want to do NaNoWriMo right!

I have a story I am thinking of using for the WriMo, but I have been playing around with this story for the past 4 years. It is fully plotted. It is a trilogy. It is about vampires. What is giving me trouble is if it is a young adult novel or an adult one. So I might do it as both.

Meaning it will have the adventure I crave in a young adult novel like Harry Potter or the Mortal Instrument, but because I love to write about sex it will have to be adult in nature.

I guess what it comes down to is that I won’t know for sure until I start writing. It may not even call for sex once I start actually writing about it. So far there is none. This is why the story is on the shelf, even though I think about it some from time to time. It wants to be written. Maybe I’ll join in and jump the young adult book bandwagon.

I honestly believe my story is like nothing out there, and I read a lot! So it is something that needs to be written regardless. So I hope you will join my progress with the WriMo as I will need all the virtual support I can take! Click this link to go to my page http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/503144


Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog- so glad to hear someone else agrees w/ the Entrecard thing.
I'm also a freelance writer. Just started this year, though, so I am still scouring the internet and everywhere else looking for paying jobs!!
I certainly think you should write your book! And you're right about the "deciding when you get there." Doesn't it sometimes seem like the characters decide which direction the book is going in instead of you? ha-ha.

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About this blog

A place to catalog my adventures in writing. I currently have other blogs that each show a facet of who I am. One is about everything I see, the other is all about erotica, and the other is all about my dark poetry. I never set out to create another blog, but I find the need to have one that is all about the journey.
