I want to be a writer

I love to write, I just need to come up with a plan to put pen to paper. Or fingers to keys.

There are only a couple of hours until I become one of the many participants in trying to craft 50k words in 30 days! I am excited! I will be updating this blog on my ups and downs of trying to fit 50k words in 30 days!

I know I’ve been silent on this blog. But No worries I write at least once a day on my main blog http://zestynachos.blogspot.com/ and while I am off and on with my actual erotic writing, I am writing. I felt I needed to get my practice on because I seriously want to do NaNoWriMo right!

I have a story I am thinking of using for the WriMo, but I have been playing around with this story for the past 4 years. It is fully plotted. It is a trilogy. It is about vampires. What is giving me trouble is if it is a young adult novel or an adult one. So I might do it as both.

Meaning it will have the adventure I crave in a young adult novel like Harry Potter or the Mortal Instrument, but because I love to write about sex it will have to be adult in nature.

I guess what it comes down to is that I won’t know for sure until I start writing. It may not even call for sex once I start actually writing about it. So far there is none. This is why the story is on the shelf, even though I think about it some from time to time. It wants to be written. Maybe I’ll join in and jump the young adult book bandwagon.

I honestly believe my story is like nothing out there, and I read a lot! So it is something that needs to be written regardless. So I hope you will join my progress with the WriMo as I will need all the virtual support I can take! Click this link to go to my page http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/503144

NaNoWriMo Word Count Meter

Story in progress

Through the Looking Glass Story-free writing/outline Yaoi story-Writing without revisions-1st draft Steampunk story-writing without revisions-1st draft MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected 500words-150w

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50,000 Words or Bust in November!

About this blog

A place to catalog my adventures in writing. I currently have other blogs that each show a facet of who I am. One is about everything I see, the other is all about erotica, and the other is all about my dark poetry. I never set out to create another blog, but I find the need to have one that is all about the journey.
